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 Alle Foren (Archiv)  Geplaudere (Archiv)   Can someone contact this guy for me Archiv !
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n / a erstellt am - 18.10.2001 : 20:27:21
He is the owner of this car.

His phone number is (0 34 43)30 26 19 at his performance shop. Here is another number I was given for him in case that doesn't work: 0049 3443 302619

I was wondering if someone could contact him for me and ask him either for his email adress so I can ask him how his front end conversion was done or to find out specifically what is needed parts wise and how to do it. I am interesetd in also seeing pics of that car with the hood open so I can see how the headlights were mounted. I really want to do this to my car in the US, so your help would be greatly appreciated.

The Bmw: $25K. The Mods: $10K. Friend with Benefits: PRICELESS!

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